Projects done as a part of BA Design at Goldsmiths, University of London
Year 2 - VIVA
All my projects focused on three things, what makes home, what is time, and what makes a city. I want to expand on those ideas and further explore what that means to me and what it means to others. My story as a designer has evolved to be more conscious about what surrounds me- the small things and feelings that make a home. While, I’m still trying to figure this out, I want to capture the ephemeral feeling about a place. By focusing on current events and concentrating on the small details that give something character.
In this presentation I will look back on the ZAO, the Hate, and the Live projects and how each of them evolved in the past month and over the year. First, I will show you how we made alternative souvenirs that are more representative of London and how my souvenir got me interested in how things fade over time. Next, I will show you my hate for New York, how I made a game to try escape the big apple and how I then tried to gamify the US immigration process. Finally, I will tell you how books and the British library infected google and how both can learn lessons from each other as new and classical resources.
Hate Project
This project was meant to channel our hate and get to understand why we hate. Coming from Boston, my hate for New York was instilled in me from a young age. I actually didn’t even realize till I had an argument with a classmate about it and became very defensive about Boston. I created a game escaping New York as a Bostonian which highlights what makes each city unique. My next step is looking at visa processes and what makes you “officially” part of a city or country and seeing if you can measure what “home” is.
Ethics and Sustainability
Water Conflicts
Project 1.1
In this project I looked a traditional wood inlay techniques and applied them in a new way. I found cracks in concrete, fences, and walls all around London and filled them in with wood.
Zombies, Aliens, and Others…
We looked at the tourist as a zombie who takes in and wonders without really understanding. By locally sourcing all materials and showing the true London we hope to encourage the “ZAO” to break from the spell and get a deeper and truer London experience.
Check out our website!